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Recent P.A.C.E. Meeting Minutes and Event News
- April 2013
- General Meeting
- Conversation with School Board Candidates!
- wide ranging discussion concerning many issues facing the district and program at this time
- March 2013
- General Meeting
- Social & Emotional Needs of Kids Identified as Gifted & Talented
- Guest from Childrens’ Hospital doctoral program: Hillary Thomas, M.Ed. info
- February 2013
- General Meeting
- Special Guest: Dr. Gene Harris, Superintendent of Columbus City Schools
- Conversation and discussion of work of Future of gifted and Talented Task Force
- January 2013
- General Meeting
- Summer Options and Opportunities Discussion
- Check out the P.A.C.E. Virtual Summer Opportunities Fair for latest, evolving information!
- see also: Resources
- November 2012
- General Meeting
- School Choice and Lottery discussion
- October 2012
- General Meeting
- Discussion of Academic Options and “Extras” for all grade levels
- September 2012
- General Meeting
- update from key members of the Columbus City Schools Gifted and Talented staff on the implementation of the new Cluster-focused Gifted Services.
- grade-level discussions about the specifics of programs in grade levels appropriate to your child(ren), with parents and C.C.S. Gifted and Talented educators.
- information about the many programs for Gifted and Talented within the Columbus City Schools
- build relationships with other parents and staff, as we strive to work together in bringing the best possible opportunities to all of our “kids>†Share your experience and hope, as well as receiving that gift from others.
- April 2012
- General Meeting
- We had a general discussion on wide-ranging topics, including Enrichment Beyond the Classroom.
- March 2012
- Special meeting to share concerns about changes in GT programs
- September 2011 – first General Meeting of 2011-2012
- October 2011 – GT staff guests
- November 2011 – Learning and Teaching styles
- January 2012 – Dr. Harris was guest
- February 2012 – Pizza and Robotics
- O.A.G.C. Fall Conference 2010
- Keynote Speaker: James Webb, PhD: Helping Parents: Guide to Gifted Children
- Ask the Experts panels
- Choice of Small Session Topics
- more info – look for Parent Day on
- Conference Bonus Session 7-9 p.m.: Budget And Advocacy Discussion
with Ann Sheldon, O.A.G.C. Director
and O.A.G.C. Parent Day 2010
Columbus Hilton at Easton
- first General Meeting of 2010-2011
Open House
We met with other families as well as Gifted and Talented staff to get acquainted and share our experiences and hopes.
Special Guest Dave Dobos gave a stimulating presentation on “How to Succeed in the College Admissions Game.”
Dave’s presentation included helpful information on college admissions for applying to any institution of higher learning: from Columbus State Community College to the Ivy League – or even THE Ohio State University. He had pointers for families with students from elementary too High School as well!
If you missed it, you might still be in luck. Dave had so many good things to share that we might have to have Dave back next year for more!
Dave Dobos, is a former member of the C.C.S. School Board. Dave currently runs Sheridan WorldWise, a company that provides academic materials and services. Dave is also a regional interviewer for prospective M.I.T. students, and knows the inside workings of college admission at highly competitive schools.
- We enjoyed a wide-ranging discussion on curriculum, with the requirements of Ohio Core as the starting point.
- A number of us braved the weather for a Conversation With the Superintendent, and it was well worth our while!
Dr. Gene Harris, Superintendent of Columbus City Schools, shared with us the latest news concerning the district, and particularly Gifted and Talented concerns. We also returned the favor by giving Dr. Harris our perspectives on how things are going in the schools and contexts in which we are involved.
- Our regular P.A.C.E. Meeting featured an Open Discussion on a variety of topics as we sought to learn from each other how to best fulfill our common mission of raising our gifted and talented kids to be happy and growing.
- Our regular P.A.C.E. Meeting featured a discussion on School Choice and the Lottery. Guests included: Carolyn Roman, Supervisor for School Choice/Lottery and Pupil Services; and Lisa Liedtke, ECLIPSE Coordinator. Subjects of discussion included
How to negotiate the lottery / choice process: not only the nuts and bolts of the lottery, but also many helpful strategies and techniques for before you fill out any forms!
Determining unique aspects of High and Middle Schools so as to be able to make an informed choice, and not just follow the �herd.� Be able to feel confident in your choices and schools.
Should I consider E.C.L.I.P.S.E. for 4th-5th grade?
October also provided the opportunity to attend the O.A.G.C. Parent Day, with Keynote Speaker James Delisle on �Parenting Gifted Kids: Top 10 Strategies for Raising a Happy and Successful Gifted Child.� At the Parent Day there was also opportunity to choose among several Ohio Department of Education Parent Module Educational Sessions (aka “Javits” modules). The O.A.G.C. Parent Division Meeting, and general conversation filled out a busy day.
- Our first P.A.C.E. Meeting of the 2009-2010 School Year featured an Overview of Gifted & Talented Programs in Columbus City Schools with guests Toia Robinson, Supervisor for Exceptional Children from the C.C.S. Gifted and Talented Program, and several other representatives from the C.C.S. Gifted and Talented staff. There was ample opportunity for families new and old to P.A.C.E. to meet and share.
We said farewell to Francie Nolan, outgoing Supervisor for Exceptional Children, after her many good years building up the C.C.S. Gifted and Talented program. We enjoyed a Round Table Conversation on visions for the future of Gifted and Talented education in Columbus with Francie and incoming Supervisor Toia Robinson.
We also elected officers for 2009-1010, accomplished some business items.
- Summer Opportunities Fair 2009!
- We discussed The In’s and Out’s of Scheduling
– for all levels: in Elementary years, and especially as students approach Middle and High School. There were also additional resources for making the most of Parent Teacher Conferences, at any age or level!
- We had an informative meeting with students and graduates who shared their experience and hopes while C.C.S. students, in a panel discussion entitled: “Tell It Like It Is, … or Could Be”
- We had as our Special Guest Dr. Gene Harris. In our Conversation With the Superintendent we rejoiced at the levy passing and discussed far-ranging topics related to gifted education and education in general in the Columbus City School District.
- We finally had the planned September Overview of Gifted & Talented Programs in Columbus City Schools. (This meeting fell victim to “the Columbus Hurricane of 2008.”)
We met with many other families of Gifted & Talented students, and Gifted and Talented staff. Guests included Francie Nolan, Supervisor for Exceptional Children from the C.C.S. Gifted and Talented Program, and several of the Coordinators and Specialists (teachers) from the C.C.S. Gifted and Talented staff.
[Dr. Rizza, now at the Ohio Dept. of Education, was previously an Associate Professor, and Coordinator of Gifted Programs at Bowling Green State University. Her research interests include: Gifted Education, Psychological Issues of the Gifted, Technology Infusion in the Classroom, Issues of the Twice-Exceptional.]
We also had Diane Ging as a guest, sharing about the Higher Education Partnership, which includes things related to Acceleration, as well as of general interest, which come from partnerships with colleges and universities. These include: Advanced Placement, Post-Secondary Enrollment Options, Articulated Enrollment, Kenyon Academic Program, International Baccalaureate, Columbus Teaching Academy, Early College High School, DeVry Advantage Academy, … and more to come!
We did not discuss a disappointing game involving a local team and a brown prolate spheroid
- Special Event – Parent Day at O.A.G.C. (Ohio Assn. Gifted Children)
- The O.A.G.C. Fall Conference
- How will the new Columbus Schools reduced class schedule meet the needs of Gifted and Talented Students?
- Mr. Pete Maneff (Dir. High School Curriculum/Career Education), Ms. Suzy Rhett (Supervisor – High School Curriculum), and Dr. Marvenia Bosley (Deputy Supt./Academic Achievement) from C.C.S.
- Step Into Summer Opportunities Fair
- How are our children tested?
- What will the new “value added” testing mean for gifted education?
- Dialogue with Superintendent, Dr. Gene Harris
- Elaine Bell of Columbus City Schools shared future plans in the Innovative Schools Programs. (see resource)
- A panel of parent led a discussion and shared experiences on how to choose the best school for our particular student(s).
- Further discussion and sharing information for choosing the best school for a particular student. (see resource)
- Writing education plans to serve our gifted students (WEPs)
How can we be involved? - Highlights from representatives to OAGC Conference (October 17-18)
- Celebrating Accomplishments: Lea Pearson & Francie Nolan
- Open Discussion of Questions about School Choice – Lea Pearson
- Presentation by Gifted & Talented Staff: Judy Gatti, Ginny, & Francie
- Group Discussion, Feedback, and Questions
- Highlights from representatives to OAGC Conference (Sept 18 & 19) Lea Pearson
- Highlights from CCS / PTA Parents Count event (10/21) Lea Pearson
- New PACE opportunities for 2004-05 Lea Pearson
- CCS Gifted & Talented Services and Written Education Plan (WEP) Francie Nolan
- Break out groups to review Written Education Plan (WEP) Francie Nolan