C.C.S. Selective College Admissions Info Night

A few years ago, P.A.C.E. had Dave Dobos, who was once a member of the Columbus City Schools board, gave an excellent presentation on the ins and outs of admission to highly selective colleges. This month he is again addressing this topic, by moderating a panel of experts consisting of C.C.S. graduates willing to share their experiences in the college admissions quest. While the main focus is on the most selective colleges, the principles apply throughout the college admissions “game.”

Come and learn more about college admissions, with a panel of students moderated by Mr. Dobos.
This is recommended for families with students in grades 8 through 11.

December 20, 2012 – 6:30-8:30 p.m., at
Columbus Alternative High School
2632 McGuffey Road
Columbus, OH 43211

Selective College Night – Dec 20 2012 Flyer
For more information contact:
Joan Baker, High School Gifted Program Coordinator
Gifted and Talented Department, Shepard Center
614-365-6626 or jbaker6935@columbus.k12.oh.us

College Access (including Paying for College!)

Francie Nolan recently shared about finding a treasure trove of information regarding how to gain access to (and pay for!) college education!

There is an organization called the Ohio College Access Network (OCAN), whose mission is “helping Ohio residents pursue postsecondary education.” See their site for links to College Access/Scholarship Programs, and more.

OCAN also sponsors an interactive web site targeted primarily to students (and families) from Middle School through High School, www.KnowHow2GoOhio.org. (There is a national affiliate, www.knowhow2go.org.)