Parent Night with Lisa Van Gemert, the “Gifted Guru”
Lisa Van Gemert is a grown up gifted kid, herself, along with being a parent who has successfully raised gifted kids and an educator of gifted kids. She will be speaking about the Delicate Balance of Boundaries with the Gifted. From her website, the session is as follows:  “While gifted youth need more leeway and independence at earlier ages than do their typical learner peers, that doesn’t mean they need less parenting. Identifying and sustaining appropriate boundaries with peers, adult interaction, and even electronics can challenge the best and most dedicated of parents.  Using a metaphor of fences, learn the key ideas parents need to find and maintain suitable guidelines for their children without dampening the child’s spirits or feeling like they’ve surrendered all control to their kids.”
Monday, November 4, 2019 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Columbus Downtown High School
365 S 4th St, Columbus, Ohio 43215